Summer Smiles – The Benefits Of Winter Cosmetic Dental Work


Whilst winter may not be the first season that springs to mind when thinking about enhancing your smile with some porcelain veneers or some teeth whitening , here is why planning ahead and embracing winter for your cosmetic dental treatment could work in your favour.

1)     More Time To Plan Treatment – Planning ahead means you have more time and opportunities for detailed conversations with your dentist. You are able to make alterations to the proposed cosmetic dental procedures, you are able to discuss alternatives, you have more time to consider which options are best for you and how you want your results to look.

2)     More Flexibility When Scheduling Appointments – Highly sort after cosmetic dentists are often booked up quite far in advance. By planning you treatment early and avoiding the busy summer months, the dentist will have more availability.

3)     Allows Time For Follow Up Appointments – Follow up appointments are crucial as it gives the dentist the opportunity to make any refinements to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction. Complications are rare but unfortunately with any procedure there are always risks, follow up appointments also give the dentist the opportunity to detect and treat any complications that arise early before they become more serious.

4)     Recovery Time – The winter months provide more healing time before the summer hustle and bustle of summer activities.

5)     More Time To Plan Finances – Planning ahead gives you time to save money and arrange finance for your upcoming treatment. This means you are not forced to opt for the dentist offering the cheapest service but the one who you feel most confident using and one with proven results.

6)     No Last Minute Rush Before Special Events – We often see patients who are seeking a smile makeover before a special event such as a family wedding, graduation or a big birthday celebration. In reality even a simple treatment like composite bonding or teeth whitening is going to take a couple of months to complete from start to finish.

Considering all your options carefully before undergoing any cosmetic dental treatment gives you the opportunity to set realistic goals and expectations, a better understanding of the benefits and risk associated with those procedures, an understanding of durability and longevity of the treatment, what impact it may have on your oral health and the option to explore alternative treatment options.


Cosmetic Dental Treatments Explained.


Smile Makeover Using Porcelain Veneers –

Porcelain veneers are made from thin ceramic shells and are custom-made in a dental lab. These shells are bonded to the surface of the tooth. They are natural looking and renowned for providing a radiant and flawless smile. They mimic the characteristics of natural teeth due to their ability to reflect natural light. Porcelain veneers are less likely to stain, making them a more durable long-term solution.

Lifespan - 10 years + providing they are well looked after and you maintain good oral hygiene by regularly visiting a dental hygienist.

Time - Porcelain veneers require multiple appointments to complete the treatment. On average it takes 5 appointments and around 10-12 weeks start to finish.


Composite Bonding / Composite Veneers -

Composite veneers are made from a tooth-coloured resin material, This composite filling material is applied directly to the tooths surface and hand-crafted in layers to achieve the desired shade and shape. Composite veneers are a cost-effective option for improving the aesthetics of your teeth. They produce amazing results with very little damage to your teeth however, the aesthetic longevity may not last as well as porcelain veneers and may require regular polishing to maintain their shine as they are more susceptible to staining.

Life Span - 2- 5 years

Time – Composite veneers are usually placed in 1 appointment, However you will require an appointment before the treatment for a trial smile which gives you the options to make any adjustments to the shape, size and shade of the teeth, as well as a review appointment to make any refinements required.


All On Four Dental Implants -

With the ‘All On 4 Dental Implant Technique’, you can replace your missing or damaged teeth with a complete row of fully functioning replacement teeth using just four dental implants. This life-changing procedure gives you a secure and permanent replacement for both upper and lower dentures.

Life Span – 15 years + providing they are well looked after and you maintain good oral hygiene by regularly visiting a dental hygienist.

Time – The four implants and immediate dental bridge are all placed in 1 day you will then be required to wait for 6 months whilst the implant integrates into the bone. The permanent bridge will take 8 weeks to fabricate over 4 appointments.


Teeth Whitening -

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to improve the shade of teeth. Tea, coffee, red wine, smoking, and aging will dull your teeth over time. With our at home whitening system, you can erase years’ worth of staining to your teeth in just a couple of weeks.

Lifespan – 2 years depending on diet, if you are smoker and aesthetic preferences.

Time – Minimum 4 weeks.

Orthodontics Using Clear Aligners –

Clear aligners are a series of custom-made clear aligners which are comfortable, removable, and very discreet. They are worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day and only removed when eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. 

Orthodontic treatment has a number of benefits beyond the visible improvement in the smile. 

  • Easier to clean

  • Reduces risk of dental decay

  • Reduces risk of gum disease

  • Improve bite issues

  • Improve jaw function 

Lifespan – Permanent with regular use of retainers

Time – 12-18 months (Average)


By opting to start your cosmetic dental journey in winter, you are giving yourself the gift of time, comfort and confidence. To start exploring your options for a smile makeover contact us today on 01444 440123.

Dental treatments available at S3 Dental Haywards Heath.

⁃ Composite Bonding / Composite Veneers
⁃ Teeth Whitening
⁃ Smile Makeovers (Porcelain Veneers)
⁃ Dental Implants including fill mouth rehabilitation using the ‘All On Four Method’.
⁃ Teeth Straightening using Clear Aligners
⁃ Same Day Crowns

Sooki Reeves