How Our Routine Check Can Help You

Everything may seem fine and well with your teeth, gums and mouth, and indeed they may be, however it is still important to visit your dentist regularly to ensure any issues are diagnosed early before they can become visible or painful.

At S3 dental we recommend our patients based on their risk.  For the majority of our patients we recommend them to be seen twice a year.  For certain risk groups, i.e. children with one or more decayed teeth, or patients with active gum disease, this should be every 3 months.

Here are 4 reasons why regular routine check ups can help you

  1. Oral Cancer Screening - These checks only take a matter of seconds and don't hurt, but they could save your life.  Although the vast number of screening give negative results, this screening is always performed for peace of mind.  

  2. Preventative Care - During the check up, we give advice of how to eat healthy, maintain good oral hygiene and discuss common lifestyle habits which can negatively affect the health of your teeth and gums

  3. Spot disease early - tooth decay and gum disease are often asymptomatic to begin with and if left untreated could lead to a premature loss of a tooth or teeth.  Regular clinical examinations and x-rays help diagnose these conditions early.

  4. Nervous Patients - We understand that going to the dentist is not everybody’s favourite thing to do, however regular check ups can help acclimatise patients to our surgeries and discuss any problems, answer any questions you may have.


If you would like to book in for your routine NHS or Private Dental examination, of if you haven't been to the dentist for a while, please get in touch with our reception teams at S3 Dental Eltham, S3 Dental Haywards Heath or S3 Dental Hinchley Wood.

Sami Butt